"I Think this is one of our best presentations. It is honest and powerful"

High School Teacher - Vaping program

Cheryl has been in the education field for over 30 years. She received her Bachelor degree and Michigan teaching certification from Central Michigan University. She achieved a Master’s Degree in education from California State University.

Cheryl was coordinator for the St. Joseph Mercy Health Exploration Station, the only interactive health education center in Michigan for the past 23 years. She collaboratively developed and implemented their Drugs 101 and Vaping 101: What's Important to Know programs.

She received the Health Educator of the Year award from the National Association of Health Education Centers in 2004.
She currently serves as co-chair on her local school districts' Health Advisory Board.

About Me

"The students had so much fun during the Leadership program. I know they will talk about it for days to come"

Middle School Student Council Advisor

"The puberty program was perfect. Just the right amount of information and delivered in a straight forward manner."

Catholic School Principal